Category Archives: Uncategorized

Get Your Weight Up! (or down)

So I have been kind of bored lately as you all can see. So bored that I signed up for a free trial of Weight Watchers Online. I know, I know.. I was blogging to cure boredom.. and I am sorry for cheating on you blog!! I still love you.

So here’s the deal. Its not that I need to lose weight. I could afford to lose 5-10 lbs, hell- maybe 15! The thing is that I need to constantly feel productive in life. Right now my job is.. well you know, and I am not in school (I love college!) so I need to do something, learn something, be something, excel at something, etc. So right now my I’m workin on my fitness like Fergie. I have been working out hard core, full body work outs, elyptical for cardio, workin my ass off every other day and…. I look the same same. I can’t see a difference!

So I am supposed to eat 22 points of food a day. I suck at math, but I know points are figured out by calories, carbs and fiber (I think). Luckily the handy online journal calculates errythang for you. 🙂 I have already went over my points for the past two days and I signed up..well.. 2 days ago. (I’m trying!)  Who knew that cereal was so many points?! Here I am eating my special K every day with skim milk, thinking I am doing the right thing.. WRONG. That meal is damn near 10 points! So I need to figure out a breakfast alternative.. and cereal is not it unless I want to eat fiber twigs and soy crunches (no really..thats a real cereal) that taste like cardboard.

Wish me luck everyone!

my new breakfast

my new breakfast


How on earth does one go from looking like:

to looking like:

help me


I love Amy Winehouse and I really want her to come out with another album. That’s all.

Favorites: Stronger Than Me, Take The Box, Fuck Me Pumps, Tears Dry on Their Own, You Sent Me Flying

Since Amy’s been outta the picture I’ve fallen in love with Adele. So come back Amy! Before I leave you for the other British bitch!

Who and who plus what?

deleting jpg off my comp in 5...4....3..

deleting jpg off my comp in 5...4....3..

I am SO f-ing sick of hearing about Jon and Kate plus 8. I was watching Chelsea Lately (LOVE her and all her sarcasm)  last night and she went off about the couple, especially the wicked witch of the east, Kate, saying that the only reason people know her name is because it rhymes with the number of kids she has! Well, that and the fact that she treats her husband like he’s a disobedient step child on national TV. Its like everywhere you turn, there they are. Her: with her horrendous reversed mullet (party in the front, business in the back?) and him: sad puppy who’s so obviously stressed the hell out- he needed hair plugs prematurely! (Ouch!)

I mean, yea they had a shitload of kids (adorable kids by the way) but what is so fascinating about them? They are literally on every news channel  (I know there is something more important going on somewhere in the world…Swine Flu… plane crash in the Atlantic.. AIDS in Africa? No? okay) and every ‘Celebrity’ gossip mag and website. I don’t know if its just me, but Kate might just take over the world as an evil dictator and if that happens I just might need to move to another planet, I’m thinking Neptune. HELP!

p.s. I am mad at myself for googling these freaks to find an image for this blog!

He’s just THAT into me

I watched the comedy “He’s Just Not That Into You” last night with my true love who just IS that into me. Lucky lucky me to have a fine, smart, funny, loving (I could go on & on here people) tall dark and handsome boyfriend who will watch chick flicks with me because he just loves my company.

The movie was really cute and hilarious and went perfectly with my glass (or 3) of Reisling. The film is filled with crazy young women who obsess over guys each and every move, worrying about whether he will call or not, what he’s thinking, and making excuses for behavior that screams ‘I don’t give a rat’s ass about you!’ Not only were these chicks annoying, they had NO swagger. Not that I have swagger on a hundred thousand trillion, but me and my sister B are the queens of playing it cool. Some of these broads out here could learn a thing or two from us!

All of the B.S. in this movie (commitment-phobes, cheating husbands, crazy girls,_layout_i-love-my-boyfriend-post-message-note-pad-note_thumb[4] men who only want sex) made me realize again how truly fortunate I am. He’s just that into me, and I’m that into him. True love, true story. The end.

All Star Admin.


All star admin.. yup, that’s me!!  Well, maybe I’m not an ‘all star’ but I have definitely been in the league long enough to play for the Eastern Conference. There was a time in my secretarial career (<– shoot me!) that I was really good at what I did. I think its called giving a flying fruck. Now that I don’t, I have been procrastinating in a major way. It reminds me of how I operated in high school… doing just enough to get by with B’s. I am late to work 3-4 days every week, and the days that I am “on time”, I am still approx. 2 minutes tardy. Can we say slacker?! Good thing my job is pretty laid back otherwise I would be in deep doo-doo.

I’ve always considered myself a lucky lady. Great opportunities have always presented themselves to me, allowing me to just take advantage of them and not have to worry about making too many tough decisions. It was like, “OOO MTV is fun, of course I’ll do it!” or “heck yes I want to spend a month in Costa Rica for free!” The opportunities were laid out, all I had to do was say yay or nay.

As of late my luck has ran out, or some bitch stole it from me. Either way I’m not feelin’ it. I’ve been on countless interviews for awesome jobs that I know I would absolutely love, and ………nothing. Sigh! I know the economy sucks right now but I refuse to let that be my excuse for not landing any of my dream jobs. I’ve been hit with the “we really, really like you but..” or “it was such a tough decision but…” grrrrrrrr. But WHAT? I rock, so their loss, right? Right.

Because I am a glass half full type of chick, I know something better is out there for me. I just need to figure out what it is and where I can find it. Until then, I’ll be here answering phones (call me at work- I am always making personal calls), filing (which I do…Nevuary), typing up documents (like this one) and making copies (of my resume). I know, I know- very challenging work. I am learning lots! Not.

Honorable Mentions:

*I was late today because of train delays, I swear!!

*I looked into taking some spanish classes at NYU so I can get my learn on. Yo hablo espanol, kinda.

*I have a stack of invoices right in front of me, which I am about to work on…

“What is your Wish?”

The W in!

The W in!

I went to my good ole hometown, Minneapolis, for Memorial weekend and stayed at the new W Hotel downtown. Yep, went home to see the fam and stayed at a telly. What can I say… The W > La casa de mi Mom. I absolutely love the W, its so comfortable, classy and chic (and NO, I don’t work in Marketing for them- I wish!).  I loved staying there and if I was rollin’ in the moolah I might make it my home away from my mom’s home.

Once upon a couple of Sundays ago I was hung over like I was 24 again! (oh the memories!) The W is known for their amazing customer service…when you call they say something along the lines of “welcome to whatever whenever, what is your wish?” Ahh… If I could only have this luxury ALL the time. I asked my fairy god concierge for some aspirin and chocolate milk (Anna’s hang over cure, it works- trust). I was told they don’t have chocolate milk. WTF!? I almost unleashed my inner diva and asked them to send a bell boy to the corner store for me. Target is RIGHT around the corner for cryin’ out loud! You would have thought I was asking for some caviar or some other bizzare food item. I mean, its a simple wish, right? It was Minnesota, and I know there are tons of chocolate cows there.

Instead of going ape shit, I politely asked for some orange juice. DO NOT try this at home people. O.J. and hangovers don’t mix. Believe me. That is all.

Hello world!

Hello everyone out there, or no one- whatevs. So here’s the deal…. yours truly just turned the big 2-5, and while it was a fantabulous celebration (Miami with all my favorites, Gansevoort, Club Liv), it also made me realize a few unpleasant things. Por ejemplo- my metabolism is changing (can’t eat chocolate and pasta every day, it just can’t work) and it might be time to figure out what I want to do with my life. Fab: I have started working out like a mad woman. Fugly: I have no idea what the fuzz I want to do. I guess this is called a “quarter life crisis.”  Ew. And while I would love to spend my life savings on a Lexus or a boat (I’m on a boat!!)…small problem(s), I don’t have a life savings and I am stuck in a semi-dead end gig. SO… here I am, young and restless in NYC, blogging.

me during happier times

me during happier times