Who and who plus what?

deleting jpg off my comp in 5...4....3..

deleting jpg off my comp in 5...4....3..

I am SO f-ing sick of hearing about Jon and Kate plus 8. I was watching Chelsea Lately (LOVE her and all her sarcasm)  last night and she went off about the couple, especially the wicked witch of the east, Kate, saying that the only reason people know her name is because it rhymes with the number of kids she has! Well, that and the fact that she treats her husband like he’s a disobedient step child on national TV. Its like everywhere you turn, there they are. Her: with her horrendous reversed mullet (party in the front, business in the back?) and him: sad puppy who’s so obviously stressed the hell out- he needed hair plugs prematurely! (Ouch!)

I mean, yea they had a shitload of kids (adorable kids by the way) but what is so fascinating about them? They are literally on every news channel  (I know there is something more important going on somewhere in the world…Swine Flu… plane crash in the Atlantic.. AIDS in Africa? No? okay) and every ‘Celebrity’ gossip mag and website. I don’t know if its just me, but Kate might just take over the world as an evil dictator and if that happens I just might need to move to another planet, I’m thinking Neptune. HELP!

p.s. I am mad at myself for googling these freaks to find an image for this blog!

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