“What is your Wish?”

The W in Minneapolis...love!

The W in Minneapolis...love!

I went to my good ole hometown, Minneapolis, for Memorial weekend and stayed at the new W Hotel downtown. Yep, went home to see the fam and stayed at a telly. What can I say… The W > La casa de mi Mom. I absolutely love the W, its so comfortable, classy and chic (and NO, I don’t work in Marketing for them- I wish!).  I loved staying there and if I was rollin’ in the moolah I might make it my home away from my mom’s home.

Once upon a couple of Sundays ago I was hung over like I was 24 again! (oh the memories!) The W is known for their amazing customer service…when you call they say something along the lines of “welcome to whatever whenever, what is your wish?” Ahh… If I could only have this luxury ALL the time. I asked my fairy god concierge for some aspirin and chocolate milk (Anna’s hang over cure, it works- trust). I was told they don’t have chocolate milk. WTF!? I almost unleashed my inner diva and asked them to send a bell boy to the corner store for me. Target is RIGHT around the corner for cryin’ out loud! You would have thought I was asking for some caviar or some other bizzare food item. I mean, its a simple wish, right? It was Minnesota, and I know there are tons of chocolate cows there.

Instead of going ape shit, I politely asked for some orange juice. DO NOT try this at home people. O.J. and hangovers don’t mix. Believe me. That is all.

2 responses to ““What is your Wish?”

  1. there’s lot’s of mixed cows here… chocolate cows are a rare thing.

  2. Yep, 25 is usually the age mark! Sucks!!

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